Workshops en ontmoetingen
Brussel, the place to be voor alle professionals van de film: producenten, regisseurs, acteurs, technici, kopers, programmators, …
Alle professionals van de Zevende Kunst worden op het BRIFF verwacht om na te denken over de toekomst van de Europese film, in het hart van de Europese hoofdstad. Via deze ontmoetingen en forums willen we de Europese film beter promoten en verspreiden, en het doelpubliek beter bereiken; Doelstellingen waarvoor verenigingen die de verschillende branches in de cinema vertegenwoordigen, zoals de UPFF (l’Union des Producteurs Francophones de Films), de ASA (l’Association des Scénaristes de l’Audiovisuel), de ARRF (l’Association des Réalisateurs & Réalisatrices de Films), l’Union des Artistes, Europe Distribution, enz. zich verder zullen inzetten.
Brussels Co-Production forum
The Brussels Co-Production Forum that used to be organized by the Be Film Festival, from now on integrates the Brussels International Film Festival! We are launching a call for projects for the third edition of Brussels Co-Production forum, to be held during the Brussels International Film Festival (20.06 > 30.06). The forum will take place from 25th to 27th June 2018 in Flagey (Place Sainte-Croix, 1050 Ixelles).
The Brussels co-production forum is an initiative aiming to promote co-productions partnership among Belgian and international producers. The Brussels co-production forum has two sections:
- Section 1: 8 international features projects in development looking for Belgian a minority co-producer.
- Section 2: 5 Belgian features projects in development looking for a international or Belgian minority co-producer.